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  • Writer's pictureBeverley Anne

Can we have a Woodland Wedding?

Yes you can! Here’s my guide to Wonderful Woodland Weddings...

Woodland Weddings are a truly unique experience encompassing all that nature has to offer, witnessed by your loved ones, not to mention much of the local wildlife too. As a Civil Celebrant based in Cambridgeshire, Beverley is often asked to conduct celebrant led weddings in beautiful yet unconventional locations.

woodland wedding with Beverley Anne Celebrant Cambridgeshire

If you decide that you'd like to have your dream Wedding in the woods, it's much more straightforward than you might first think.

woodland wedding with Beverley Anne Celebrant Cambridgeshire

Having completed your legal admin with a registrar at an earlier date, you are free to have a completely bespoke and personal Wedding Celebration.

Simply obtain permission from the landowner, then book your Celebrant! They will have a wealth of ideas and collaborate with you to create your perfect ceremony.

Many who desire Woodland Weddings are an advocate of eco-friendly, re-usable and sustainable practices, and these ideas can be brought to life in many ways;

woodland wedding with Beverley Anne Celebrant Cambridgeshire
  • You could arrive at your location on a horse and carriage or even a tractor! 

  • You can have straw bales for seating or picnic benches that are resalable.

  • You can have bouquets, button holes and table decorations made from wild flowers.

  • Much of the décor can be home made using creative crafting skills and a little artwork.

  • A barbeque or hog roast provides a tasty food alternative. 

woodland wedding with Beverley Anne Celebrant Cambridgeshire

Many find that being involved in the physical preparation of the wedding day really adds to the experience and gives them a lot of satisfaction.

Another benefit that cannot be over looked is the financial advantage. A Woodland Wedding can be created at a fraction of the cost of a commercial one at a designated venue.

So, when you’re considering your options for your perfect Wedding Day, have a think about whether a Woodland Wedding might be right for you.

Contact me today if you would like to know more about Woodland Weddings or any bespoke Celebrant Ceremony.



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