How can Queen Elizabeth’s State Funeral relate to our own loved one’s? What an incredible and historic, majestic, and magnificent occasion the state funeral of our very own Queen Elizabeth II was. At Beverley Anne Civil Celebrant in Cambridgeshire we watched the most amazing display of emotion, ceremony, respect, and sorrow. A funeral of this magnitude is likely a once in a lifetime event that took many years of planning.
So how could all this possibly relate to a funeral service for an ‘ordinary’ person?
Well let’s consider some of the elements;
The state funeral service was befitting of our Queen and I as a Celebrant consider what type of service is befitting my client, how many might be attending and is the location suitable for the family’s wishes? The ceremony content needs to fulfil the family brief and be considerate to the deceased.
The whole day of Queen Elizabeth’s funeral was a huge celebration of her life allowing everyone to give thanks for her reign and all that it brought to us individually and as a nation. As a Celebrant I am always crafting ways to celebrate the life of the deceased, to personalise the memorial service by tailoring the script, highlighting each one’s individuality, the unique qualities and achievements of the deceased, and creating their bespoke eulogy.
Of course, a traditional funeral service may not be the only choice. It is entirely possible to do a Celebration of Life ceremony at a time chosen long after a loved one has died. For example, during covid, many did not get the service or closure they wanted so a belated Celebration of Life is a wonderful way to commemorate an individual. It is also becoming more common place to consider a ‘Direct funeral’ (with no ceremony) then having a Celebration of Life Ceremony when chosen guests can attend or when emotions are less raw.
The Queen’s services were full of respect by all the speakers and attendees, the script that I create as a Civil Celebrant is also full of respect, guided by the family and loved ones, all the elements that reflect that respect can be incorporated, whether that is in a context of music choices, poems, readings or even psalms. Following the family’s wishes is always at the forefront of a Celebrant’s thinking but there is another way to have the respect of the deceased honoured, and that is to be aware of their wishes.
The Queen made her wishes and preferences regarding her ceremony elements known well in advance, a notable one being the lament from the lone piper at the end of the services as well as some music choices amongst others. As a Celebrant I offer a service of consultation with anyone who wishes to discuss their own funeral service, whether they are in good health or not. Some find this type of conversation to sensitive to have with their loved ones, some simply want explained the choices they have for after they have passed.
Finally, as a nation, most felt that our Majesty’s lavish and all-encompassing state funeral gave us all closure. After 10 days of mourning our loss, we were ready to pay our last respects, give thanks for our Monarch’s loyal service, treasure the memories and say our final farewell. We certainly felt that we ‘did her proud’ and the Royal Family were seen to be sharing in the Nation’s grief.
Within our own funerals, it is so important to give our loved ones a ‘good send off’ If, as a Celebrant I have crafted a befitting ceremony, that is sensitive to the family’s and the deceased wishes, their life having been celebrated, then It is more likely closure will be achieved. This helps loved ones be able to ‘move on’ and rebuild their lives without their loved ones, knowing that due respect and thanks has been given.
Please feel free to get in touch if you need help creating a unique celebration of life for your loved one - you can book a free consultation with me here.